Reddit Whats the Worst Joke You Know

Beingness funny is serious concern. That comment may sound like a joke, merely studies have shown that creating a low-cal hearted environment at work is an constructive way to reduce stress and improve inventiveness. Having a fun work environment is the reason why the about cutting edge companies these days are investing in Foosball tables and beanbags for their offices!

But what if your team is remote based? Well, the skillful news is that you don't demand anything other than the right conversation starters to create a fun work environment. Using an icebreaker question with only the right amount of applesauce to it is primal! Or, if you are looking for other types of icebreaker games, be sure to check out Brightful Meeting Games. Yous'll detect the best icebreaker games available on the internet, all for gratis and without ads.

Nosotros've put together below some silly and funny questions you tin can beginning your remote meeting, to use as icebreakers to create a fun and lighthearted vibe.

Funny Question Generator

If you are struggling to come up upwardly with funny questions, we accept this convenient question generator that tin instantly generate a question for you to bring up.  At present you volition never worry about running out of hilarious chat starters!

Brightful Games: Question of the Day

Trying to accept more meaningful conversations? The best way to connect with your friends, family unit and colleagues is past inviting them to a game of Question of the Day on Brightful. The rules are simple - you are given a prompt and 30 seconds to answer. It's gratuitous to play, and there are thousands of conversation starter prompts.

Brightful Games: Funny or Not

If y'all are looking for an activeness that incorporates funny questions, or one that will go your entire group laughing out loud, try Funny or Not - exclusive to Brightful. Each player is given a prompt, which they have to think of a hilarious and creative response to. For example - "What is a more obvious championship for 'Romeo and Juliet' ". Or - "Which historical figure would you not want to invite over for dinner? Everyone's responses are so gathered together and you all vote on who'southward thought of the funniest!

With plenty of questions, prompts, and even images/GIFs to think of hilarious responses to, yous'll all be laughing together with each and every game!

Funny Questions to Ask

1. If animals could talk, which would exist the rudest?

2. Is cereal soup?

3. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?

four. What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of booze to?

v. If animals could talk, which would exist the rudest?

half dozen. Would you rather have no nose, or no arms?

7. How many chickens would it have to kill an elephant?

eight. What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?

9. What is your spirit animal?

x. Which sport practise you lot recollect they'll invent side by side?

eleven. Practise you lot think cavemen had nightmares about cavewomen?

12. Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?

13. What animate being is the biggest party animal?

xiv. If animals could talk, which would be the most boring?

15. What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?

16. Where did the name Pina Colada come from?

17. If animals could talk, which would be the smartest?

18. Which would you adopt to have as your roommate? A goat or a bird?

19. If you were an artist, what would yous paint on your first day?

20. If you could exist a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?

21. If you could be in any movie, what would it be?

22. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?

23. What is the worst/virtually annoying catchphrase?

24. What is the worst song always?

25. What would y'all rather have to deal with: Take no nose, but have actually skilful smelling fingers? Or be bullheaded but have a actually nice smiling?

26. What is the most boring sport?

27. Which musician do you call back would make the best instructor?

28. What musical instrument practise you recall is the well-nigh annoying?

29. If you could be a fictional character, who would y'all be?

thirty. What is the most abrasive colour?

31. What Disney princess would make the all-time spy?

32. What superhero/villain would make the best therapist?

33. What fictional character do you lot call up you are most similar?

34. What'due south the about useless word?

35. What audio would be the scariest if you could hear information technology?

36. What is the coolest sound?

37. What would you lot rather have; an arm that regenerates every month, or legs that grow dorsum in every calendar month?

38. What torso function would you like to add together?

39. What torso part would you similar to remove?

40. What was your favourite TV show growing up?

Funny Questions to Ask Friends

1. What is the most useless invention of all time?

ii. What vocal would you play if you were at a party?

3. What'south the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

iv. What'southward your favourite fruit?

5. Who was the worst teacher you've always had?

6. Who's the near interesting person you've always met?

7. Who's your favourite superhero?

eight. What is one thing yous would change nigh your daily routine?

9. What is one thing you wish could exist only doesn't at the moment?

ten. Which smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven?

Funny Questions to Ask your Colleagues

1. What is the weirdest thing you lot've ever eaten?

2. What was the worst or weirdest dream you e'er had?

3. What would be your dream job?

4. If y'all could exist any type of found or animal, what would you be?

v. What would exist the hardest thing to give upwardly?

6. What would exist the easiest thing to give up?

vii. What was the well-nigh embarrassing moment of your life?

8. Which would you rather win: The lottery or to be named employee of the calendar month every month?

ix. Would you rather walk around with a salad for a head or broccoli for arms?

10. Would you rather have no olfactory organ or no arms?

Funny Questions to Ask Family Members

one. What would be your superpower?

2. If you had to choose one, what would be your favourite fruit?

three. What is your to the lowest degree favourite olfactory property?

four. What celebrity would you about like to switch lives with?

5. What does the perfect day expect like?

6. What is the funniest/craziest thing you've ever done?

7. Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

8. What do yous want to be when you abound upwardly?

ix. What was your kickoff reckoner game?

ten. What is the craziest bet y'all've ever fabricated?

Interesting Funny Questions to Ask

1. If y'all could accept 1 superpower, what would information technology be?

2. If you could travel to any place on Earth, where would you lot go?

3. If you lot could take just ane affair with you to a deserted island, what would you cull?

iv. If you had a special ability, what would it be?

5. What is your dream vacation?

six. What is the most interesting place you've ever been to?

7. Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?

eight. What is the most interesting place you've ever been to?

9. If you had to relocate, where would you lot least similar to live?

10. If you could invite 3 people to dinner, living or dead, who would y'all invite?

Further Reading - What'south a Deep Question to Inquire a Guy or Girl?

Along with funny questions, asking deep questions are a great fashion to get to know your friends or colleagues ameliorate. If you want to switch things up a bit, endeavor asking some Deep Would You Rather Questions:

Want More?

Sign upward for Brightful!

With over 1,000+ of the best questions in 1 place, yous will never run out of questions again.


Final Thoughts

It can be awkward to start conversations, especially amid people yous have but met for the first time or are just starting to know after a few encounters. Request questions is a great way to break the ice amongst anybody. Funny questions, in particular, can serve as peachy common footing. After all, one-act or anything hilarious is always a crowd pleaser!

It doesn't matter if the situation is realistic or outrageous - equally long as it gets a chuckle out of anybody, it works!


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